1950s Makeup – Winged Eyebrows and Cat eyes

Winged Eyebrow Look and Cat Eye Liner –

1950s Makeup Report –

1950s-Makeup---winged eyebrows and cat eyes
The Old Look and the new Latin Look

Just compare model Geraldine Branson wearing the old look to the left – shining red lipstick, light eye make-up; to the new Latin look of enhanced eyes but more natural lips.

Winged eyebrows and cat eyes

The focal point of the new latin Look this year are the winged eyebrows and cat eyes and outlined with pencil to increase their size. It demands straighter, longer hair done in a classical style and removes emphasis from the mouth by the use of a natural colored matt lipstick.


The natural eyebrow line is strengthened and carried out to a curving winged end. Eye outlining is done on the upper and lower eyelids, joining in another upward wing beyond the natural eye-line.
The job is finished with upward sweeps of mascara.

That’s all !
Transcription©Glamourdaze 2016
Australian Womans weekly 1955